Throughout North America, Europe and Asia, the honey bee has been severely affected by a mysterious ailment, known as Colony Collapse Disorder.
This strange disorder has wiped out anywhere between a 33% and 90% of entire hives. Some possible causes of the disorder include: poor nutrition, pesticides, the Nosema ceranae fungal parasite, and the varroa mite.
However, honey bees who claim France as their home may soon find a bit of salvation. Nectar-bearing flowers are to be sown along roadsides in an experiment to help the honey bee.
The experiment, conducted by the Ministry of Sustainable Development, will last 3 years, starting with the sowing of over 155 miles (250 km) of roadside flowers. The length of road involved in the test could expand over the nation’s entire network of non-toll roads—a whopping 7,500 miles (12,000 km).
If this experiment works, hopefully it will help scientists and others figure out a way to help the bees.
By Heidi Marshall